What protection stop to choose for the loading dock?

The protection stops are used to protect the loading docks from possible blows caused when the trucks approach and movements occur during the loading and unloading of merchandise. This accessory absorbs part of the impact and prevents the loading dock from deteriorating.
Once we know its function, we only have to know which load stop to choose. There are different models made of materials such as rubber or aluminum and with different dimensions. Next, we are going to detail the models available in the Vinca catalog from highest to lowest resistance.
Floating Steel Stop – The Strongest Stop
It supports strong friction movements that are caused during the loading and unloading of goods. This model is the most recommended for those docks that receive container trucks.
It is composed of a rubber core covered with a layer of steel that fluctuates when impacted.
Laminated rubber bumper – perfect quality/price ratio
It is a model that is highly resistant to impacts and abrasion and has a double function, it protects the dock and the truck from impacts. It is the perfect protection stop for docks with high vehicle traffic. In addition, it has an optional support to raise the bumper to also protect trucks with more height.
Solid rubber bumper – the most economical model
It is the most economical model that protects the dock from possible blows during loading and unloading, slightly absorbing the impact. It is the most common in docks as it perfectly fulfills its protection function.

If you have a loading dock and you want to protect it from the impacts caused during loading and unloading, the best solution is the installation of a protection stop. Depending on the volume and size of the trucks you should choose one model or another.
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