What is a hoist? Definition, characteristics and types

A hoist is a mechanical device used to lift and move heavy loads vertically.

It consists of a combination of pulleys, cables or chains, and a lifting system that allows applying a multiplied force to lift heavy objects with less human effort.

Hoists are used in a wide range of industries, such as construction, manufacturing, and logistics, where it is required to lift and transport loads efficiently and safely. In addition, hoists are often portable and can be manually, electrically or hydraulically powered to suit different needs and work environments.

General characteristics

A hoist has several key features that make it a versatile and efficient device for lifting loads.

  • Lifting system that can be manually, electrically or hydraulically actuated for different applications and loading needs
  • Designed with a pulley mechanism and cables or chains, allowing for balanced load distribution and increased lifting capacity
  • Compact and portable, making it easy to transport and use in different workplaces
  • Engineered with high strength and durability to withstand heavy loads and work safely and reliably

Types of hoists

There are different types of hoists that adapt to different needs and applications.

  • The manual hoist is powered by human power and is ideal for light loads or occasional jobs.
  • Electric hoists use electric motors to lift heavier loads more efficiently and are controlled by switches or remote controls.
  • Air hoists use compressed air for lifting and are ideal for explosive environments or with high load requirements.
  • Chain hoists, which use chains to lift objects, and wire rope hoists, which use steel cables for lifting.

Each type of hoist has its own specific features and benefits to accommodate various situations and load requirements.