Mobile Jib Cranes

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Within the category of lifting booms, you can find a wide range of mobile boom models, to find the one that best suits your needs. Depending on whether you need it with turning, with high load capacity, electric or manual lifting, electric lowering with progressive speed, with manual or electric translation ...

Push Manual Manual Electric Electric
Lifting Pump Manual / Electric: Vel. Fixed / Vel. Progressive Electric: Vel. Fixed / Vel. Progressive Electric. Vel. Progressive Electric. Vel. Progressive
Downloading Manual progressive / Electric: Vel. Fixed, Vel. Progressive Manual progressive / Electric: Vel. Fixed, Vel. Progressive Electric. Vel. Progressive Electric. Vel. Progressive
Rotation 360º Manual NO 270º Manual / 210º Electric NO
Max Load 200 / 500 kg 1000 kg 200 kg 2000 kg
Max Scope 1270 mm 2000 mm 1330 / 2000 mm 3000 mm