THERN Mobile Davit Cranes

Would you like more information about THERN Mobile Davit Crane?

We expanded our range of mobile booms by including lifting devices from Thern, a recognized American brand with a track record of more than seven decades in providing lifting equipment, traction and positioning of excellence.

The Thern range booms have a capacity from 250kg to 2500kg and some models lift up to 30m. Davit booms stand out for:

  • Adjustment of boom lengths and angles to provide maximum operational versatility.
  • Diversity of bases with multiple finishes that allow for hassle-free assembly and installation.
  • Heavy gauge steel construction ensures long durability.
  • Option of manual, electric, hydraulic, pneumatic or winch actuation DC voltage, suitable for lifts of any magnitude.
  • Optimized assembly and disassembly effectively saving time and effort.
  • Ease of transport and storage to achieve optimal accessibility.
  • Fluid 360° rotation for more efficient operation.
  • Corrosion-resistant finishes designed to withstand harsh environments, even made entirely of stainless steel.

Choose the jib model according to your needs. If you are looking for a portable and robust boom, access the portable booms, but if you want to install a permanent jib to lift up to 2500kg, take a look at the fixed boom catalogue.