HMT Tandem Scissor Lift Table

Ref. 61.0
HMT tandem scissor lift table models allow lifting heavy loads and large dimension with minimal folding of the machine.
They are designed to be integrated into production lines (power and output in machines) specifically in the field of wood or also used as platforms for assembly line work in the aviation sector, for example.
- Uniformly distributed load or partially concentrated.
- Smooth upper surface sheet.
- 20 cycles per hour in shifts of 8 hours per day.
- Single acting lift cylinders.
- Limit switch for the elevation.
- Bearings auto-lubricated for the joints.
- Hydraulic power pack with safety valve to prevent overloading and flow compensation valve to control the descent rate.
- Keypad in fixed support in power pack unit
- Electrical equipment controlled electronically with transformer and thermal protection.
Optionally tandem scissor tables can incorporate the following facilities:
- Prepared structure to be moved with forklift.
- Special operating voltage (220V Mono, III 440 60 Hz, etc.).
- Command from control panel, radio control or footswitch.
- Surface floor of the platform in hot tear pattern sheet or inoxidable steel.
- Certified ATEX for zones 1, 2, 21 or 22.
- Extensible or collapsible lips (hydraulics or manuals).
- Blockers system to allow people access to the platform.
- Safety railings and extensible barriers.
- Rotating plate above the platform (manual or motorized).
- Tilting platform.
- Motorized or manual roller conveyor.
- Containment barrier for the load.
- Shutters or sectional or hinged doors.
- Bellows or protection courtains.
- Special paint for exterior or marine environments.